Tag Archive for: Carmen Lee-Schneider


Find Strength, Flexibility, and Clarity: 5 Benefits of Vinyasa Flow Yoga

Vinyasa flow is a type of yoga that focuses on linking breath…
How yoga can improve your life - by Carmen Lee-SchneiderCarmen Lee-Schneider

5 Ways Yoga Can Improve Your Life

Since you are here reading this article, you might have attended…

SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCE: How yoga helped recover a long-lasting shoulder injury in less than a year.

If you had only one word to describe what yoga is to you, what…

SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCE: A city girl who moved to Bundy for her love.

If you had only one word to describe what yoga is to you, what…

SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCE: A young girl discovered Yoga in her early 20s.

If you had only one word to describe what yoga is to you, what…

Video: How practicing arm balance changed my life

https://vimeo.com/145455727 The first time I walked into a…

SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCE: A wonderful self employed lawyer sharing her experience

If you had only one word to describe what yoga is to you, what…

People sharing their experience with Love Life Live Yoga

https://vimeo.com/carmenleeschneider/carmen-lee-schneider-yoga-testimonials A…

Why do we need to pause?

It's the pause that brings realignment. It's the pause that…

Yoga doesn’t make me soft but makes me stronger everyday.

Yoga is not just making me soft. It makes me softer from the…